Handbook Page 16

How to Make a Mark

The steps for making a mark are as follows:

  1. Plug power unit into 110V or 220V outlet.
  2. Turn power unit on and current to AC.
  3. If power unit has power control, set it at the middle position, halfway between the high and low voltage.
  4. Plug cord set into front of power unit. Attach red alligator clip, the ground wire, to the part to be marked or the ground plate. Attach black cord to handmarker or marking cartridge.
  5. If you are using a photographic long life stencil, position it on piece to be marked.
  6. If you are using a die impression paper, first cut it on a typewriter or dot-matrix printer.
  7. Place stencil in typewriter or printer so as to type on the stencil, not on the white backing paper. Type on the stencil using moderate pressure.
  8. Remove stencil from typewriter or printer. Separate stencil from white backing, and position stencil on work to be marked.
  9. Dip hand or marking cartridge in electrolyte so that the pad is saturated, but not overly wet.
  10. Bring marking cartridge or handmarker down on top of stencil that is positioned on the work, so that the pad is firmly pressed onto stencil.
  11. Hold this pressure one or two seconds and remove marker and stencil. Mark will be on the metal piece.
  12. Neutralize mark properly.
  13. Dry the part.

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State of the Mark